Scoil Colmcille Board of Management Meeting 11/02/25

Agreed report.
*Congratulations to the pupils of 5th and 6th classes,Mr Mc Gowan and Mr Heneghan who have been shortlisted for Fis Film Nominations.
*Thanks to school choir for money raised for Saint Vincent De Paul under Ms Triona Daly ,Ms Brid Ferry and Mr Heneghan with the school choir.
*The school is one of 27 selected to be part of the initiative for formative assessment using digital.Thanks to Mrs Jenny Carr and Ms Eimear Byrne for participating.
*A new Environment Committee was set up,Ms Colleen Campell,Ms Eimear Keeney,Ms Eimear Mc Fadden ,Mr Seamus Coleman,Mrs Maureen O Connor,and Ms Tori Magee.
*New Kitchen /Staff Room Committee set up.Thanks to all.
*Thanks to Credit Union Quiz teams and their teachers  from 3rd and 4th classes.
*New Modular Build money has been received.
*Leargas Aspire Peace 4 Programme application was successful.
*Installation of basket ball nets were installed, thanks to Ms Sarah Elliott.
* High quality readers have been purchased by the school to the amount of 10,000 euro.
*Children Book Ireland   with a donation from Prumerica has arrived in the school,thanks to  Ms Emma Mc Grath.
*Patricia Forde as a Poet Laureate will be running a mentoring scheme for writers.Isla Mc Guigin ,1st class group will be working with her.
*Thanks to all working in the Partnership with parents programme,6 parents graduating,a trip to Buncranna and wreath making.Thanks to the HSCL for this initiative.
*A new school musical instruments team has been set up by 7 members of staff and pupils in 2nd, 3rd 4th and 5th classes will be provided with a tin whistle and tuition. 
*Partnership within the community.The school has hosted 6 students on work experience.Thanks to Mr Crossan for co ordinating.
*A fire drill was completed in November,thanks to Ms Keys.
*The Yellow flag programme commenced in January,that promotes  an inclusive,positive environment.Pupils will join staff on this committee soon./Ms Keys,Ms Campell,Ms Doherty,Ms Kavanagh and Mrs Mulrain.
*New Antibullying procedures training took place.Mr Cannon and Mrs Mulrain attended. 
School policies being looked at are Critical Illness Policy,Wellbeing Policy and Bí Cineálta.
*General Pupil Activities include drama workshops,GAA coaching,cooking and baking,bicycle safety course,swimming ,soccer and internet safety.
*Best wishes to all our pupils for their Confirmation and Communion celebrations comimg up soon.