Predicting what might happen next to help comprehension
- Predicting what might happen next to help comprehension
- Team work in the front yard!
- Halloween in Skull Cholmcille!
- Our girls' soccer team in Scoil Cholmcille!
- Bike safety for 5th classes
- GAA coaching with 2nd class
- Scoil Cholmcille received a national Fís award for Best Drama
- Carol Service 2019
- Gymnastics
- One of our parents reading a story in Portuguese
- Winners of our "Make a noise" competition for anti-bullying!
- We wore odd socks to show that everyone is different and unique!
- Using Izak 9 cubes for Maths
- Second class winning their attendance award!
- The boys' soccer team
- Using Robotix in Mr Breslin's 5th class
- Learning Spanish in 6th class
- Our Garda Quiz Team
- Baking with 6th classes